StreetBond Colorants - Signature (1 pint)

Transform and Revitalize With Color!

Signature Colors transform the look and feel of a community by providing a custom palette that is designed for achieving a differentiated look.

These are non-stocked custom colors used in public areas such as decorative streetscapes, parks, plazas, sports courts, civic centers, and playgrounds to direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic flow.

- Water Based Acylic Coating 

- Safe and easy to apply with Low VOCs  

- Skid Resistant and Color Stable

- Extends the Life of Your Pavement



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Use StreetBond Colorant as your part C to StreetBond® SB120 or StreetBond® SB150 Pavement Coatings.

StreetBond Coatings are available in 4 color palettes: Traditional, Signature, Solar Reflective, and specialty greens for Cycle Lanes.

Perfect For Crosswalks, Parking Lots, Medians, Traffic Circles, Pedestrian Areas, Driveways, Streetscapes, Playgrounds and more!

- Change the look & feel of a community with a coat of color.

- Enhance the open area or entrance of campus, civic center, or park.

- Keep cyclists safe and pedestrians safe by visually alerting drivers to the presence of cycle lanes and crosswalks.