Brush-Grade Acrylic Flashing (Formerly RoofMate Brush Grade Flashing Elastomeric Acrylic)

  • Use on metal, structural concrete, PVC, ISO, TPO, smooth & granulated asphaltic, hypalon, EPDM, and gypsum roofs
  • Use to bridge and reinforce small gaps between seams
  • Fills small voids
  • Use with fabric for extra strength.
  • Excellent adhesion to surfaces


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Why Premium Acrylic Flashing?

Premium Acrylic Flashing is a water-based, high-solids acrylic sealant utilizing the latest advances in acrylic technology. Its thick, buttery consistency allows it to be easily worked into vertical seams on metal roofs, into gaps in flashings, around protrusions, and into heavily alligatored areas in weathered asphaltic roofing.

Benefits of Premium Acrylic Flashing include:

  • High-volume solids:  For low shrinkage without the use of plasticizers
  • Saves time:  Dries twice as fast as a coating
  • Versatile:  Suited for sealing mechanical fasteners and horizontal seams on metal roofs, as well as around flashings, drains, and protrusions
  • Excellent adhesion:  Adheres to asphaltic roofing, metal, concrete, wood, Hypalon®, TPO, PVC, and polyurethane foam
  • Handy:  Can also be used for encapsulating United Coatings™ Roof Mate™ Fabric